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Driver Checklist
Checklist for Drivers
Driver is an adult.
Passengers will not be in a flatbed or panel truck, in the bed of a pickup, or in a camper-trailer.
Directions, GPS, road map, First Aid kit, flashlight, and road kit are in the vehicle.
Lights, signals, tires, windshield wipers, horns, and fluid levels are sound and working.
All papers are up-to-date, including driver’s license, vehicle registration, state or local inspections, and insurance coverage.
Seatbelts are available and will be worn by each passenger; girls under 12 will sit in back seats.
State laws and common sense such as the speed limit—such as keeping a two-car-length distance between vehicles, not talking or texting on a phone or device, not using earbuds or headphones, driving with your headlights on, etc., will be adhered to.
There will be no driving for extended periods at night, when tired, or while taking medication that causes drowsiness.
There will be rest stops every few hours; longer trips shall include relief drivers adhering to this same checklist.