Silver Award Training - Virtual
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Date: Tue Feb 11, 6:00 PM CST - Tue Feb 11, 7:00 PM CST
  • Highest Awards
  • Cadettes,
  • Volunteers

This virtual training will provide the information you need to guide your girls through their Silver Award process. As of October 2023, the Silver Award process has changed.  It is now managed through the Silver Suite. Girls are highly encouraged to attend training to receive their Silver Suite information packet, but it is not required.  If they cannot attend training, they will need to contact Laurel Jalufka at to receive their packet. Silver Award Project proposals must be submitted for approval before they start the project. Instructions on how to log into the training will be found on your registration confirmation in your MYGS account.  If you have trouble registering, please get in touch with Kyna McCalpin at 601-326-5648 or We are happy to help.